Recruit volunteers

Skills-based volunteers can transform your organisation in areas such as digital, marketing, finance or strategy.

Post an opportunity and search our community to find a volunteer. Not sure where to start? Browse our Volunteer project library for ideas.

Find volunteers

A selection of currently available volunteers

How Reach Volunteering works

Create your own volunteer role or take inspiration from our Volunteer project library.

Once you have posted your trustee role, you can suggest it to volunteers.

Our roles are streamed to partner sites, such as LinkedIn, putting your opportunity in front of thousands of people every week and new volunteers registering every day.


Sample volunteer roles to help you get started quickly

Get started quickly on the Reach platform with our sample role templates. 

How to recruit volunteers with skills

Whether you're new to recruiting volunteers with skills, or want to make sure you're making a good start with your latest role, here are some tips and steps to help.