Terms and Conditions

These Terms of Use (as defined below) set out the terms on which you (whether you are a Visitor, a Volunteer or an Organisation, as defined below) may use the Website (as defined below). 

You should read these Terms of Use carefully before using the Website. By using the Website (whether registering an Account or not), you are confirming that you accept these Terms of Use and that you will comply with them. 

If you do not accept these Terms of Use you should leave the Website immediately.

The following policies also apply to your use of the Website:

  • Our Privacy Policy. By using the Website you are consenting to us processing any personal data that you provide to us or that we collect from you as a result of your use of the Website. Our Privacy Policy sets out what we do with that personal data.
  • Our Cookies Policy.

If you are an Organisation who wants to access our Services, you will also be subject to the Services Terms and Conditions

About us

We, Reach Volunteering, are a company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales, under company number 1452482, registered address 7 Bell Yard, London, England, WC2A 2JR. We are a registered charity under charity number 278837 in England and Wales and charity number SC041623 in Scotland. 

Our registered office is at 7 Bell Yard, London, England, WC2A 2JR. Our VAT number is 795 9359 52.

You can contact us:

If you have a complaint you can contact us at service@reachvolunteering.org.uk for a copy of our complaints policy which provides further information.

1.    Definitions and Interpretation

1.1    In these Terms of Use, the following words and expressions have the following meanings:
Account”    means either a Basic Account or a Guest Account created by a Volunteer or an Organisation on the Website;
Basic Account”    means an account created by a Volunteer or an Organisation as described in clause ‎3 below, which is not a Guest Account;
Criteria”    means the criteria which must be met by either a Volunteer or an Organisation in order to apply for or post roles on the Website to facilitate Introductions. The specific criteria is set out here – https://reachvolunteering.org.uk/our-criteria;
Guest Account”    means an account created by a Volunteer in order to apply for a volunteering opportunity but who has not created a Basic Account; 
Introduction(s)”     means the process whereby an Organisation is introduced to a Volunteer via the Website as described in clause ‎2.4;
Organisation”     means an organisation, its employees and representatives, which use(s) the Website, and which may, from time to time, engage in Introductions;
Organisation Profile”    means a profile set up by an Organisation in accordance with clause ‎4;
Profile”    means a full personal profile on the Website which requires users to enter certain information in order to access a greater number of Website functions and to help facilitate Introductions;
Self Service Plus”    means the paid-for services for trustee and governor roles only, which includes external advertising and promotion of the volunteering opportunity;
Services”    means any paid-for support provided to Organisations by Reach (including (a) paid for services relating to Introductions; and (b) the Self Service Plus, services); 
Terms of Use”    means the terms on which Visitors, Volunteers or Organisations, as defined below may use the Website as set out in this document or should these terms be set out on a web page as they are set out on this web page
us” / “we” / “Reach”    means Reach Volunteering, registered address 7 Bell Yard, London, England, WC2A 2JR (registered in England and Wales, under company number 1452482), charity number 278837 in England and Wales and charity number SC041623 in Scotland;
Visitor”    means a user of the Website who has not created an Account or a Profile on the Website;
Volunteer”    means an individual using the Website, including, without limitation browsing and/or applying for volunteering opportunities on the Website, as further described in clause ‎4;
Volunteer Engagement”    means the engagement  entered into between a Volunteer and an Organisation following a successful Introduction;
Volunteer Profile”    means a profile set up by a Volunteer in accordance with clause ‎4;
Website”    means https://reachvolunteering.org.uk/;
you”    means a user of the Website, including a Volunteer or an Organisation, whether you have an Account or a Profile or whether you are using the Website as a Visitor.

2.    Your use of the Website

2.1    Our Website is made available to you free of charge, unless you are an Organisation who agrees to pay for Services under a separate legally binding contract with us.  

2.2    You can delete your Account and stop using the Website at any time by emailing us at help@reachvolunteering.org.uk and by ceasing to use the Website.

2.3    Reach operates the Website which has been established to facilitate Introductions, as well as providing assistance, information, support and guidance about skills-based volunteering and related issues to Volunteers and Organisations.

2.4    Volunteers who meet Reach’s Criteria will be able to search the Website to find potential volunteering opportunities with charitable organisations and will be able to apply for those opportunities via the Website.  

2.5    Organisations who meet Reach’s Criteria will be able to post opportunities and engage with Volunteers in respect of those opportunities and will also be able to manage the Introduction process using the functionality offered by the Website from time to time.

2.6    You can use the Website as a Visitor which will only enable you to browse the Website, or can set up an Account and Profile with us, which will give you access to greater functionality on the Website. 

2.7    Please see clause ‎3 below for details about the different Accounts we make available and what functionality you will have access to if you open such an Account. 

2.8    Please see clause ‎4 below for details about the different Profiles we make available and what functionality you will have access to if you create such Profiles.

2.9    Please note that you will not be able to engage in the Introduction process without creating an Account with us.  

2.10    We do not guarantee that our Website, or any content on it, will always be available or be uninterrupted. Your right to access our Website is given on a temporary basis only.

2.11    We may suspend or withdraw or restrict the availability of all or any part of the Website, including without limitation by adding or removing content or functionality, for business and operational reasons at any time. We will try to give you reasonable notice of any suspension or withdrawal.

2.12    You are responsible for ensuring that all persons who access the Website through your internet connection are aware of these Terms of Use and other applicable terms, and that they comply with them.

2.13    The Website is directed to people residing in the United Kingdom. We do not represent that service or content available on or through our Website is appropriate for use or will be available in other locations.

2.14    IMPORTANT: Reach acts only as a facilitator of the Introductions, and the undertaking of any volunteering will be agreed between the Volunteer and the Organisation. If any issues arise between the Volunteer and the Organisation during the Volunteer Engagement both Volunteers and Organisations will have legal rights of redress directly against the other party and not against Reach. 

2.15    IMPORTANT: Reach does not guarantee the identities of the Organisations and/or Volunteers on its Website and Volunteers and Organisations should therefore take appropriate steps to ensure that they are comfortable dealing with the party they are being introduced to. 

3.    Setting up an Account 

3.1    You can set up a Basic Account whether you are an Organisation or a Volunteer. 

3.2    Subject to clause ‎3.9, only one Account is permitted per Volunteer. 

3.3    You may set up a Profile (as described in clause ‎4) as part of your Account, but this is not mandatory. 

3.4    Setting up an Account on the Website will allow you to:
3.4.1    create, draft, save, submit and manage Volunteer or Organisation Profiles;
3.4.2    manage Account and Profile preferences and create email alerts;
3.4.3    request to join an existing Organisation Profile;
3.4.4    request a limited number of Introductions if you are a Volunteer who does not have a Profile (i.e. via a Guest Account);
3.4.5    manage Introductions and connect directly with Volunteers, Organisations and Reach;
3.4.6    save searches;
3.4.7    create, post and promote volunteering opportunities;
3.4.8    receive suggested Volunteer roles from Organisation users; and
3.4.9    use Reach’s paid-for Services. 

3.5    If you are a Volunteer, you do not have to create a Volunteer Profile to apply for a volunteering opportunity, as you can apply from your Guest Account. 

3.6    If you apply via a Guest Account then Reach will require you to confirm you meet the relevant Criteria for the role, upload your CV and insert relevant contact details in order to apply for a volunteering opportunity. 

3.7    Please note that an Organisation can only create a Basic Account and that a Guest Account cannot be used by an Organisation to post volunteering opportunities (this will require an Organisation Profile). 

3.8    If you are a Volunteer you may use a Guest Account to apply for a limited number of volunteering opportunities. 

3.9    If you are a Volunteer and have previously applied for volunteering opportunities via a Guest Account, you may subsequently create a Basic Account using the same email address as you used for your Guest Account. 

3.10    When you register a Basic Account and/or a Guest Account on the Website you will need to create a user name and password and accept these Terms of Use. 

3.11    You are solely responsible for the security and proper use of the password, which you must keep confidential at all times and must not disclose to any third party. 

3.12    You must notify Reach immediately at service@reachvolunteering.org.uk if you believe someone else has knowledge of your password or if it may have been used, or is likely to be used, in an unauthorised way. 

3.13    Reach accepts no liability for any unauthorised or improper use of disclosure of any password.

4.    Setting up a Profile

Volunteer Profile

4.1    Individuals looking for volunteering opportunities can create a Volunteer Profile on the Website that will enable them to:
4.1.1    upload their CV and/or relevant experience;
4.1.2    apply for an unlimited number of volunteering opportunities with Organisations; and
4.1.3    connect directly with Organisations and with Reach.

4.2    Volunteers must meet the relevant Criteria in order to set up a Volunteer Profile and if you cannot demonstrate that the relevant Criteria are met on an ongoing basis then your Volunteer Profile may be removed.

Organisation Profile

4.3    Organisations who wish to engage in the Introductions process must register an Organisation Profile that will enable them to:
4.3.1    post and promote volunteering opportunities;
4.3.2    manage the recruitment process; and
4.3.3    connect directly with Volunteers and with Reach.

4.4    Organisations must meet the relevant Criteria in order to set up an Organisation Profile and if you cannot demonstrate that the relevant Criteria are met on an ongoing basis then your Organisation Profile may be removed.

4.5    Only one Profile is permitted per Organisation, though multiple individuals may sign up per Organisation as primary and secondary Organisation contacts. To link to an existing and approved Organisation Profile you must initially be verified either:
4.5.1    by a primary user who created the Organisation Profile and have already agreed to these Terms of Use; or 
4.5.2    directly by Reach. 

4.6    By registering or linking to an Organisation Profile you are acknowledging that you are acting on behalf of an Organisation and representing that Organisation and that the Organisation will be responsible for all activity under your Organisation Profile including all actions taken on its behalf.

4.7    If at any time, the Organisation no longer meets the relevant Criteria, you must:
4.7.1    notify Reach as soon as possible by emailing us at help@reachvolunteering.org.uk;
4.7.2    cease posting and promoting volunteering opportunities;
4.7.3    notify any Volunteers that are in the process of the recruitment process or otherwise engaged in your volunteering opportunities that you no longer meet the Criteria and as such any volunteering opportunities can no longer be promoted via Reach.

5.    Your use of the Website and how we can suspend or end your use of the Website

5.1    You will be required to comply with:
5.1.1    the Community Agreement set out in Schedule 1 of these Terms of Use; 
5.1.2    the Acceptable Use Policy set out in Schedule 2 of these Terms of Use; 
5.1.3    (if you are an Organisation who has paid for Services to be provided), the terms of our Services Terms and Conditions; and
5.1.4    all laws, guidance and regulations that apply to you (including, without limitation, those relating to data privacy, consumer law, and health and safety).

5.2    Reach is not obliged to permit anyone to register an Account or a Profile on the Website and we may refuse, terminate or suspend registration to anyone at any time.

5.3    Reach may disable any user name or password, whether chosen by you or allocated by us, at any time if you have failed to, or we suspect that you have failed to, comply with any of the provisions of these Terms of Use, including our Community Agreement and our Acceptable Use Policy.

5.4    Reach may withdraw your access to your Account or Profile at any time if you have, in our sole opinion, failed to, or we suspect that you have failed to, comply with any of the provisions of these Terms of Use, including our Community Agreement and our Acceptable Use Policy.

5.5    Reach may suspend or end your access to the Website at any time as we see fit.

6.    How you may use material on the Website

6.1    Reach is the owner or the licensee of all intellectual property rights in the Website and in the material published on it, which are protected by copyright laws and treaties around the world. All such rights are reserved.

6.2    You must not use any part of the content on the Website for commercial purposes without obtaining a licence to do so from us or our licensors.

6.3    If you print off, copy or download any part of the Website in breach of these Terms of Use, your right to use the Website will cease immediately and you must, at our option, return or destroy any copies of the materials you have made.

6.4    Subject to clause ‎6.6 below, the content on the Website is provided for general information only. It is not intended to amount to advice on which you should rely. You must obtain professional or specialist advice before taking, or refraining from, any action on the basis of the content on the Website.

6.5    Subject to clause ‎6.6 below, although we make reasonable efforts to update the information on the Website, we make no representations, warranties or guarantees, whether express or implied, that the content on the Website is accurate, complete or up to date.

6.6    Nothing in this clause ‎6 will restrict or limit our legal obligations regarding the provision of Services to Organisations, and the terms of the relevant Services agreement shall apply to the way that we provide these Services to Organisations. 

7.    External websites

7.1    Organisations may include links to other sites and resources provided by third parties when posting volunteering opportunities.

7.2    Where Reach makes available on the Website links to other sites and resources provided by third parties, these links are provided for your information only. Such links should not be interpreted as approval by us of those linked websites or information you may obtain from them. We have no control over the contents of those sites or resources.

8.    Data

8.1    All data is processed by Reach in accordance with our Privacy Policy.

9.    Our liability to you

9.1    You acknowledge that the Website provides information to Visitors, as well as enabling Organisations and Volunteers to engage in the Introductions process.  

9.2    You also acknowledge that any volunteering arrangements will be subject to a separate Volunteer Engagement between the relevant Organisation and Volunteers. Reach shall have no liability to you whatsoever in respect of any dealings between Volunteers and Organisations in this regard as it will not be a party to such arrangements. 

9.3    Reach do not guarantee that the Website will be secure or free from bugs or viruses. You are responsible for configuring your information technology, computer programmes and platform to access the Website and you should use your own virus protection software.

9.4    Reach do not exclude or limit in any way our liability to you where it would be unlawful to do so. This includes liability for death or personal injury caused by our negligence or the negligence of our employees, agents or subcontractors and for fraud or fraudulent misrepresentation.

9.5    Subject to the terms of the Services Terms and Conditions (if applicable):
9.5.1    Reach will have no liability to you for any loss or inconvenience suffered due to the unavailability or withdrawal of any, content, material, information or access to the Website.
9.5.2    Reach is not liable to you if, because of circumstances beyond our reasonable control, we fail to comply with these Terms of Use or if you cannot access the Website properly or at all.

If you are using the Website as a Volunteer

9.6    Unless clause ‎9.7 applies, Reach will not be liable to you for any loss or damage arising out of or in connection with your use (or inability to use) the Website or your use of or reliance upon any content on the Website in any circumstances.

9.7    If defective digital content which we have supplied to you damages a device or digital content belonging to you and this is caused by our failure to use reasonable care and skill we will either repair the damage or pay you compensation. However, we will not be liable for damage which you could have avoided by following our advice to apply an update offered to you free of charge or for damage which was caused by you failing to correctly follow installation instructions or to have in place the minimum system requirements advised by us.

If you are using the Website as an Organisation

9.8    Reach excludes all conditions, warranties, representations or other terms which may apply to the Website or any content on it, whether express or implied.

9.9    Reach will not be liable to you for any loss of profit, loss of business, business interruption, loss of business opportunity, loss of goodwill, reputational damage and or any indirect or consequential loss or damage.

9.10    Reach will not be liable to you for any loss or damage (even if foreseeable) arising under or in connection with:
9.10.1    use of, or inability to use, the Website;
9.10.2    use of, or reliance on, any content displayed on the Website; and
9.10.3    bugs or viruses, distributed denial of service attack, or other technologically harmful material that may infect your computer equipment, computer programs, data or other proprietary material due to your use of the Website, its content, or on any links to external websites on it.

9.11    You agree to indemnify and keep indemnified Reach from and against all costs, expenses, claims, losses, liabilities or proceedings arising from:
9.11.1    misuse by you of the Website; or 
9.11.2    any breach by you of these Terms of Use. 

9.12    If you are an Organisation who has entered into a contract with us for the provision of Services, our liability for those Services will be set out in our Services Terms and Conditions.

10.    Changes to the Website or these Terms of Use

10.1    Reach may update these Terms of Use, the Community Agreement, the Acceptable Use Policy and any other applicable terms of use from time to time. You should therefore check these Terms of Use whenever you return to the Website to see whether any changes have been made, as these will be binding on you.

10.2    Reach may also make changes to its Privacy Policy and Cookies Policy from time to time, so you should also check to see whether any changes have been made to these policies, as these will be binding on you.

10.3    We may update and change this Website from time to time to reflect changes to the way that we interact with users, our services, our users' needs and our business priorities. We will try to give you reasonable notice of any major changes.

11.    Which laws apply to any disputes with these Terms of Use?

If you are a Volunteer

11.1    These Terms of Use are governed by the law of England and Wales and you can bring legal proceedings in the courts of England and Wales. If you live in Scotland you can bring legal proceedings in either the Scottish courts or the courts of England and Wales. If you live in Northern Ireland you can bring legal proceedings in either the Northern Irish courts or the courts of England and Wales.

If you are an Organisation

11.2    If you are an Organisation these Terms of Use (and any non-contractual obligations arising out of or in connection with them) are governed by the law of England and Wales and the courts of England and Wales have exclusive jurisdiction to determine any dispute arising out of or in connection with them (including without limitation in relation to any non-contractual obligations).

Schedule 1: Our Community Agreement

See Our Community Agreement

Schedule 2: Acceptable Use Policy 

Part 1: Acceptable Use

See Our Acceptable Use

Part 2: Prohibited Use

Prohibited uses

You may use our Website only for lawful purposes. You may not use our Website:

  • In any way that breaches any applicable local, national or international law or regulation.
  • In any way that is unlawful or fraudulent or has any unlawful or fraudulent purpose or effect.
  • In any way that could, in our reasonable opinion, harm our reputation.
  • For the purpose of harming or attempting to harm minors in any way.
  • To bully, insult, intimidate or humiliate any person (including our staff via the online help functionality).
  • To send, knowingly receive, upload, download, use or re-use any material which does not comply with these terms.
  • To transmit, or procure the sending of, any unsolicited or unauthorised advertising or promotional material or any other form of similar solicitation (spam).
  • To knowingly transmit any data, send or upload any material that contains viruses, Trojan horses, worms, time-bombs, keystroke loggers, spyware, adware or any other harmful programs or similar computer code designed to adversely affect the operation of any computer software or hardware.

You also agree:

  • Not to reproduce, duplicate, copy or re-sell any part of the Website in contravention of the provisions of these Terms of Use.
  • Not to access without authority, interfere with, damage or disrupt:
    • any part of our Website;
    • any equipment or network on which our Website is stored;
    • any software used in the provision of our Website; or
    • any equipment or network or software owned or used by any third party.

Breach of this policy

When we consider that a breach of this acceptable use policy has occurred we may disable your user name and password and/or withdraw access to your Account of Profile in accordance with clauses ‎5.3 and ‎5.4 of the Terms of Use.