When and what we charge

Reach Volunteering’s services are free or heavily subsidised thanks to the generosity of our funders, in line with our mission to support organisations with a social purpose.

When there is a fee, our charges are per opportunity, and are based on the service chosen and type of organisation. There is never a charge for volunteers.

When do we charge?

Recruiting skills-based volunteers on our self-service platform is always free. Trustee recruitment (including governors) is free for charities or educational bodies with an income under £1m and for other eligible organisations with an income under £250k. For larger organisations, we ask for a contribution for recruiting trustees.

For Trustee roles only, we offer Self Service Plus, which for a flat fee and a maximum of 6 months, includes all of the benefits of using Self Service, plus additional support and advertising.

For a bespoke trustee recruitment solution, our TrusteeWorks team offers an executive search service, delivering excellent results at an affordable price. Find out more about TrusteeWorks.


Jump to What do we charge?




Self-Service Plus 

TrusteeWorks Bespoke Service


Volunteer and Trustee roles

Trustee roles

Trustee roles


£0-300 + VAT

£450 + VAT

Please contact us
for a quote


Self service

Self service + promotion by Reach

Delivered by TrusteeWorks

Listing on our website

Listing on LinkedIn, GoogleJobs and partner sites

Message registered volunteers ?

External advertising ?


Initial search ?


Recruitment pack and role description ?


Executive search ?


Expert help & advice ?


Tailored services ?


What do we charge?

Our charges are per opportunity, and are based on the service chosen and type of organisation.



Self Service

Self service plus

TrusteeWorks Bespoke Service

Organisation Type


Volunteer roles

Trustee roles

Trustee roles 

Trustee roles 

Charities and educational bodies

Under £1m



£450 + VAT

Please contact us for a quote.

Information on TrusteeWorks, including how to contact us.

Over £1m


£180 + VAT

£450 + VAT

All other organisation types

Under £250k



£450 + VAT

Over £250k


£300 + VAT

£450 + VAT


Registered charities are often exempt from paying VAT for advertising. However as HMRC classes Reach as a service provider and not advertisers, we are unfortunately not able to remove the VAT from our invoices.