Since its inception in 1979 as the Theatre In Education Company for Mid Glamorgan, Spectacle has developed into an international award winning company that specialises in participatory theatre with disadvantaged communities. For the last five years supported by funding from Big Lottery, Arts Council of Wales, Garfield Weston, Awards for All, and Daphne 111 European funds we have developed a theatre form that is designed to reach the most isolated individuals and communities; we see this engagement as a first step to making the positive changes in attitude and actions that benefit not just the individual but also their family, friends and community. This work is delivered locally, nationally and internationally.
Spectacle gained charitable status in 1986 and is governed by a board of trustees. Spectacle is a member of the Independent Theatre Council, Arts and Business Cymru, Interlink the County Voluntary Council for RCT and Stronger Rhondda. Involvement in these organisations helps Spectacle to plan co- operatively, manage its legal requirements, and inform itself of industry developments and best practice in safeguarding. Our services are delivered in English or Welsh by experienced staff who hold enhanced DBS certificates and are trained in child protection and working with vulnerable people.
Our charitable objects are: To promote, maintain and advance education, particularly by the production of educational theatre and the encouragement of the arts, including the arts of drama, mime, dance, singing and music and to further the development of public appreciation in the said arts.
What we do; Spectacle works with people of all ages, those who face multiple disadvantages and a combination of severe social harms such as bullying and abuse, isolation, substance misuse, mental illness, extreme poverty, violence. To this end we develop a range of participatory theatre projects (performance, workshop and mentoring) that are delivered in partnership with schools and colleges, young offender's institutes, residential homes, housing associations, voluntary organisations, hospitals, social enterprises and the public sector.