Greater Manchester Youth Network - GMYN

Greater Manchester Youth Network - GMYN

At a glance


  • Children / families
  • Education
  • Training / employment support
  • Voluntary sector support
  • Young people

Other details

Geographical remit: 


We work to enable young people and organisations to participate, develop and achieve. We aim to do this by offering a variety of activities that will engage and empower young people and by capacity building the organisations that work with them. We work with some of the most disadvantaged young people in the country including those not in education, employment or training, asylum seekers, looked after children and disabled young people.

Young people are the primary focus for the organisation but the network also includes organisations that work with children and young people, organisations that involve volunteers and individuals with an interest in youth work.


Our work with young people has a focus on social action and, in particular, volunteering. We have developed and delivered a number of innovative programmes and projects. Most of these programmes are based on a model that incorporates a number of voluntary activities with non-formal learning sessions. These programmes have been delivered, evaluated and improved on a continual basis and are now fully developed and can be adapted to meet the needs of different target groups.

We have also developed a number of enterprise projects that have been adapted to run successfully with different client groups including vulnerable young people and people with various disabilities

We regularly apply for funding to run these programmes but they can also be bought by groups or organisations that want GMYN to deliver the activities for their service users. We are always happy to discuss options for joint funding applications as we know that we work best when we work with other organisations that bring their own expertise.

We currently have opportunities for young people from all of the boroughs of Greater Manchester. Some projects are borough specific and have certain eligibility criteria whereas others are available for young people from any area of Greater Manchester. Young people aged 16-24 can work directly with us and help to shape our organisation by joining the Leadership Group. We are always keen to hear young peoples’ views and would welcome any suggestions for project ideas.

GMYN also delivers volunteering workshops in schools, colleges, training providers and other youth organisations. Please see our funders section to see what we are currently funded to deliver.

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