FareShare Cymru works to fight food poverty by tackling food waste. We take surplus edible food from the food and drink industry (food that would otherwise be wasted) and redistribute it to organisations in Wales that feed people in need, turning an environmental problem into a social solution. FareShare also provides work experience and training opportunities such as forklift driving and food safety, to help volunteers go on to find paid work and break the cycle of food poverty.
We run a regional centre on the outskirts of Cardiff. This is where we take in surplus edible food from the food and drink industry and where it is sorted, stored and entered onto our system. The food is then delivered out to our Community Food Members (CFMs) who use it to provide a food service to people in need. Our members include homeless shelters, luncheon clubs for the elderly, organisations providing cookery sessions, women's refuge centres and youth charities.
In 2015-16, we saved 540 tonnes, worked with 46 charities and community groups and provided enough food for over 1.2 million meals. We saved the charities and community groups around £500k and provided them with over £1.3 million of food. We also provided 35 training opportunities and 25 qualifications were gained.