Citizens Advice Sutton

Citizens Advice Sutton

At a glance


  • Campaigning
  • Counselling / advice
  • Financial inclusion
  • Housing and homelessness
  • Local / community
  • Refugees / migrants

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Geographical remit: 


Citizens Advice Sutton helps people to resolve their legal, money,debt and other problems by providing information and advice and by gathering evidence to influence policy makers. we also offer the Pension Wise advice service for those wanting to manage their own pension pots. Housing difficulties and employment issues have become an increasing part of our remit. The service is available to all residents of our borough and we also work in collaboration with  other services in the borough, such as mental health, Age UK and Carers. In some services we work across boroughs such as LB Croydon particularly in staff training to be more cost effective. Our help ensures that residents particularly in the more deprived wards can manage their monetary problems and remain in their own homes it is valued by ward Councillors, particularly our Annual Review which identifies deprivation in their wards.


Citizens advice Sutton is a well respected organisation in the borough we operate a contact centre, and a walk in centre for information and debt advice in the borough. We also offer innovative services directly to vulnerable adults in a range of settings such as the mental health centre, refugee centre, to ensure people who have a problem keeping appointments receive a service. We work collaboratively in an advice and liaison partnership  with Age UK and the Carers Centre commissioned by the Local Authority. 

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