Chichester Boys’ Club (not just for Boys!)

Chichester Boys’ Club (not just for Boys!)

At a glance


  • Children / families

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Chichester Boys’ Club owns extensive freehold premises in the centre of Chichester, where it aims to develop the skills of young people, adults and vulnerable members of the community, in a safe and caring environment with the emphasis on fun. The club has become, not only a youth club for boys and girls (often the most vulnerable in our communitiy) but also a focal location for local community groups. The groups who use our variety of rooms range from those with special needs, the elderly, sports clubs, Duke of Edinburgh as well as junior and senior youth clubs.


  • Twice weekly sessions of senior youth club; opening of an additional weekly junior youth club, with large increase in numbers attending.
  • Weekly Saturday Club for young adults: in particular those on the autistic spectrum
  • Holiday club for younger children on regular weekdays during school holidays - at minimal cost for parents
  • Boxing coaching for all young people
  • Increasing range of sporting activities
  • A range of special activities for parents and families, including cookery courses and discussion evenings.
  • Meetings of various clubs involving older people.

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