We help humans and other-than-human, in particular farmers, gardeners and other food growers, citizen-consumers, other actors in the food system, through learning and connecting around knowledge, practice and food. We are the only spiritually-oriented sustainable agriculture organisation and network, and thus enabling a very profound connection with nature and with self, that society is increasingly searching for.
Welcome to the wonderful world of biodynamics, an inspirational international movement that promotes a uniquely holistic approach to organic agriculture and gardening, and food and health.
Biodynamics is about the complete package. For us agriculture is a sacred endeavour, and the foundation for all our well-being. Our roots are ecological, ethical, social and spiritual. Our aim is to regenerate the health and vitality of our soils, gardens and land; the integrity of our food; and the health and wholeness of our communities. The Biodynamic Association (BDA) is a charitable organisation founded in 1929 to foster and promote biodynamic farming and gardening in the UK. We give support and advice, publish our journal Star & Furrow, and organize regular workshops and conferences. We belong to the worldwide biodynamic movement, inspired by Rudolf Steiner’s Agriculture Lectures, given in 1924. Put simply, our aim is greater vitality for people and planet through more biodynamic acres, more biodynamic food, and more understanding of biodynamics.