Age Concern GX Plus CIO

Age Concern GX Plus CIO

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  • Local / community

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We are committed to promoting the welfare of older people in the area we serve which is Gerrards Cross. Chalfont St Peter and Chalfont St Giles Buckinghamshire. Before becoming a Charitable Incorporated Organisation in April 2023 we operated as the charity Age Concern Gerrards Cross & District which was first established in 1962.


In Chalfont St Giles we run a weeklly over 80s lunch club, a weekly chair yoga exercise class, a weekly chiropody clinic, and a monthly pub lunch. In Chalfont St Peter we run a weekly coffee club and a fortnightly chiropody clinic and a monthly pub lunch..In Gerrards Cross we run a weekly chair yoga class and monthly pub lunch. Monthly Talks take place at the Community Centre in Chalfont St Peter. We also run a weekly Ear Wax Removal Clinic at Chalfont and Gerrards Cross hospital. In July 2023 we opened an Information Centre in Chalfont St Peter with the purpose of assisting older people to access information on social activities, financial advice etc signposting them to organisations which will give up to date advice.

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