Seeds for Growth charity

Seeds for Growth charity

At a glance


  • Environment

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Organisation type: 
Geographical remit: 
National - Britain


Seeds for Growth charity was launched in 2006 with a vision for a world with health, well-being, and fitness for all – to achieve our goals we inspire and upskill disadvantaged communities to address their environmental, social, economic and health issues.  We identify issues, develop programmes, raise funds, recruit residents & support them to deliver THEIR projects.  Greening Communities will start annually 550 social housing gardens UK wide


Our programmes include:

  • Developing community gardens in social housing estate wasteland.
  • Launching new community food co-ops which provide fresh healthy food in areas with a high incidence of poor diet-related ill-health. In just one London Borough 35,000 people regularly access our fresh food.
  • Pupils are supported to launch and run school-based fruit tuck shops.
  • The Buywell Programmes supported 500 convenience store retailers to stock and promote healthy fresh food sales and provided links to local schools.
  • Supporting the launch of social enterprises - 145 London-wide in one year.
  • Writing European-wide accredited training courses to enable artists to deliver workshops in prisons.
  • Development of a programme for communication with prisoners where there is no common language.
  • Demonstration to the government of the benefits for society if prisoners have access to computers.

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