Improve your board through better trustee recruitment

Trustee Recruitment Cycle illustration
Reflect illustration


What makes a good board? How to land on the right mix of skills and experience to lead your charity.

Prepare illustration


Plan the recruitment process and create a role description that is designed to attract the people you need.

Advertise illustration


Target your trustee opportunity based on what and who you’re looking for and don’t be afraid to try something different.

Interview illustration

Shortlist and interview

Choose the right person to complement and develop your charity board.

Appoint illustration

Appoint and induct

Adapt how you welcome and support new trustees to make the most of what they have to offer.

Evaluate illustration


No process is perfect and success does not always come first time – what you learn will improve what you do.

About the Trustee Recruitment Cycle

The Trustee Recruitment Cycle aims to help boards recruit openly, for diversity of skills and experience. We are bringing together research on charities’ needs, learning from charities that have adapted their recruitment processes and expertise from others in the sector to create this online tool – read more in our blog.

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Produced by

Reach Volunteering
Getting on Board
Association of Chairs
Small Charities Coalition

Funded by

Community Fund
Clothworkers Company