Springfield Advice & Law Centre

Springfield Advice & Law Centre

At a glance


  • Counselling / advice
  • Financial inclusion
  • Health and well being / research and care
  • Housing and homelessness
  • Learning disabilities / difficulties
  • Local / community
  • Mental health
  • Poverty relief
  • Social care

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Geographical remit: 


We provide at Springfield University Hospital & other hospital, day-care and outreach centres caring for those suffering mental ill-health and disorder, legal advice & assistance to those requiring that assistance due to their mental and/or physical illness or disorder.  We also aim to advise and assist the families and carers of those who are mentally unwell and thereby promote relief from suffering and well-being. 

Our legal services include seeking to promote for our clients, their rights to a decent home, relief from debt and poverty, fair access to welfare benefits and financial support, and access to public services and support-service provision.

Those with mental health disorders and their carers are often the least listened to, the most discriminated against and disenfranchised, and we aim to provide them with a voice and to redress the balance.   


We provide legal advice and representation services that are integrated into healthcare settings and based at venues frequented by mental health service users and their careers, thus promoting access to our services.  Our services include advice and representation in relation housing, community care matters, debt relief and welfare benefits.  We aim to reach as many in need of our services as possible, within the Springfield & St Georges NHS Trust region, despite being a very small organisation.   

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