The ManKind Initiative is a national charity that supports male victims of domestic abuse to escape. We also support other organisations to support these victims and also help to ensure male victims are fully recognised within society. We support them through running direct services, such as a national helpline, and also through training, campaigning and supporting other charities to provide their own services. 600,000 men report to be victims of partner abuse every year and we aim to end this.
The charity's mission:
• Provide direct help and support for male victims of domestic abuse and domestic violence through a national helpline.
• Actively encourage other voluntary and statutory services to acknowledge the incidence of male domestic abuse, to view domestic abuse as gender neutral and to provide adequate levels of support to male victims.
• Raise public awareness and act as an advocate for the issue of male victims of domestic abuse (and their children).
The charity provides training and presentations to educate organisations to assist them meet their public sector equality duty by supporting male victims. The training is also provided to new start- up organisations wishing to support male victims and their families and providing a on-going experienced resource that they can access while
they develop.
The charity also campaigns and participates in consultations giving a voice to male victims (and their children) to raise the public profile of their plight and to call for adequate services and recognition at national and local level. This includes producing research, responding to government consultations, running campaigns, speaking to professionals, media appearances and supporting academia and students.