International Institute for Conservation of Historic and Artistic Works

International Institute for Conservation of Historic and Artistic Works

At a glance


  • Arts
  • Museums / heritage

Other details

Geographical remit: 


The objectives of IIC are to advance knowledge, professional practice and standards for the preservation and conservation of historic and artistic works:

  • By promoting the study of conservation practice and the nature and properties of materials used in the objects of cultural heritage, or in their treatment
  • By furthering the understanding and control of the causes of their deterioration and the improvement of their condition;
  • By encouraging education, study and research in the field of conservation and branches of science that further the objectives of the Institute.

We are an independent international organisation and learned society, supported by individual members and institutions. We believe conservation is of great value - by looking after our own and others' cultural identity and heritage we are helping to improve the richness and quality of life for everyone. IIC is a forum for communication among professionals with responsibility for the preservation of cultural heritage.


We achieve this through our publications, initiatives and events that seek to promote professional excellence and public awareness through our awards and outreach efforts, recognising and celebrating the greatest achievements and promoting the work of the conservation profession for the common good. 

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