Castle Bromwich Hall Gardens Trust

Castle Bromwich Hall Gardens Trust

At a glance


  • Arts
  • Children / families
  • Education
  • Environment
  • Gardens and parks
  • Health and well being / research and care
  • Local / community
  • Museums / heritage

Other details

Organisation type: 
Geographical remit: 


  • We look after 10 acres of Historic Gardens in the middle of the city, on the edge of a highly industrialised landscape. 
  • The very rare early 18th century gardens and historic orchards are all tended by volunteers. We share the gardens with schools, visitors, families and wildlife.  
  • We offer, and depend upon, nearly 10,000 hours of volunteering time.
  • People find peace, inspiration, fun, learning and recreation here - whether they are a volunteer or a visitor.


Preserving and maintaining a formal, historic garden and wildlife areas is an intensive and extensive task. To support the running of the Gardens and to help our visitors to enjoy the site we also run a small cafe and shop for visitors. 

Learning about our history, nature and growing is also central to our mission. Our schools programme and partnerships with local schools and institutions is lively and active. We also run extensive Family Friendly Activities during school holidays. We offer the chance for young and old together to explore gardens and nature in a safe and friendly place.

Running events also helps us to fundraise for the Gardens sustainability...creative, entertaining, gardening and wildlife events are all part of our way of communicating with and serving our visitors needs.


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