Bipolar Powered Ltd

Bipolar Powered Ltd

At a glance


  • Mental health

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Organisation type: 
Not for profit
Geographical remit: 


People with Bipolar Disorder possess exceptional intelligence with unique ability to unleash brilliance. But they are often misunderstood and their talent is underused because of their extreme shifts in mood, energy, and activity levels.

Our Mission is to help Creative Professionals with Bipolar Disorder unleash their hidden potential and talent

We have built a robust, multi module Cloud Platform to facilitate building and growth of a global Bipolar Support Ecosystem that is designed to provide a supportive and understanding environment where creative professionals with Bipolar Disorder can feel empowered to embrace their creativity without limitations.



  • Bipolar Freelancers Marketplace : Fiverr for Bipolar professionals! A robust, feature-rich & user-friendly freelancing platform where professionals with Bipolar Disorder can showcase their skills, sell services and can be hired by prospective employers.
  • Bipolar Art & Craft Marketplace: ETSY for Bipolar Creators! A robust, feature-rich & user-friendly multi-vendor marketplace where artists & creators with Bipolar Disorder can showcase and sell their art pieces to prospective buyers.
  • Bipolar Life Reinvention Funding: Online crowdfunding to raise funds required by Bipolar professionals to reinvent their lives. Career pivoting support, entrepreneurial mentorship etc are other types of life re-invention support our non-profit offers. We do crowdfunding for medical support, too. 
  • Bipolar Management Courses: Online courses by mental professionals for Bipolar Disorder patients to manage their symptoms
  • Expat Bipolar Support: Bipolar patients who happen to work and live in foreign countries (eg. in Asia) where mental health awareness and facilities are non-existent; need special care and support because of the non-supportive environment and lack of support groups. Facilitating remote support and organising local help through partner charities. 


  • Bipolar Awareness Campaigns: Organising public aware campaign for Bipolar, in different parts of the world , with the help of local chapters and collaborations. 
  • Opening Local Chapters Globally: Opening legal chapters of the non-profit in different countries and cities. 

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