Befriending Networks

Befriending Networks

At a glance


  • Voluntary sector support

Other details

Geographical remit: 
National - Britain


Our Vision is of a society in which high quality befriending support is accessible to all in need and its importance in reducing social isolation, promoting wellbeing and building community cohesion is recognised.


Our Mission

We exist to:

  • Provide a high standard of information, training, resources, quality development and consultancy in relation to befriending
  • Raise the profile and understanding of befriending and its role within a continuum of social care provision
  • Support the delivery of high quality befriending services
  • Maintain an effective and supportive network among our constituent members


We are an umbrella organisation originally started in Scotland to support befriending projects, share and learn from each other.  Today we are small team of 5 staff led by a board of trustees supporting over 260 befriending projects across the UK and beyond.  

We offer our members access to resources, subsidised training and events, ongoing support and run the Quality in Befriending Standard.  In addition we are the voice of befriending and represent the members at local and nation policy level particularly around the areas of social isolation and loneliness.

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