At a glance


  • Older people / later life
  • Social care

Other details

Geographical remit: 


We are BCOP, a charity established in 1946.  We support older people in Birmingham, both in our nursing homes and through supported housing and independent living schemes.

We’re proud to enrich people’s lives every day by treating each person as an individual, helping them to feel cared for and respected.  Our relationship with those we care for deepens over time and we’ve created a rich community, with a lifeblood of homeliness and warmth where everyone feels safe and protected.

Our Aims

  • To operate homely nursing homes and provide good quality care to residents
  • To offer a wide spectrum of care including high dependency nursing, dementia care and end-of life care provision
  • To respond to individual need, seeing the person first and not just their condition or chronological age
  • To offer transitional or episodic forms of care to assist discharge from hospitals, provide respite for carers, or day care for individuals living in the community
  • To balance social needs by combining funding from the public sector with contributions from individuals
  • To work in partnership with like-minded organisations to have a wider impact in the community
  • To maintain the pioneering spirit with which BCOP was first established in 1946, continually looking for ways to improve the care we offer
  • To ensure that our charity is financially sustainable, able to support older people for the long term


We own 3 nursing homes in Birmingham, caring for residents living with a range of conditions including Dementia and Parkinson's.  In addition to accepting permanent residents, we also offer respite care and 'discharge to assess' care.  We also own 4 Supported Living housing schemes across the city and 3 Independent Living housing schemes for those aged over 60.  We manage another 3 Independent Living housing schemes on behalf of other charities.   

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