Association for Citizenship Teaching

Association for Citizenship Teaching

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  • Education

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Geographical remit: 


ACT - the Association of Citizenship Teaching - is the subject association for Citizenship representing teachers and others involved in Citizenship education. We were founded in 2001 by Professor, Sir Bernard Crick and set up as a registered charity. ACT's Honorary President is The Rt Hon. the Lord Blunkett.

Our mission is to support the teaching of high quality citizenship education and to promote wider public understanding of the subject of citizenship. 

Our vision is for all young people to be active, informed citizens, equipped through effective Citizenship Education with the knowledge, skills and experience to participate in and shape a strong and vibrant democracy based on equality, fairness and justice  

For more details about our purpose, work and direction please see our Strategic Plan for 2018-23 



We achieve our aims by providing:

  • membership services and education programmes that develop and promote Citizenship education;
  • professional development, training and networking opportunities;
  • advocacy for the subject, research and strategic policy advice; and
  • high quality teaching materials including our journal 'Teaching Citizenship'.

Our work is led by our Council, a group of teachers and practitioners who are members of ACT from across the country and overseen by our Board of Trustees. We encourage all our members to help steer our work and have a leading role in Citizenship education nationally.


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