We are a not for profit organisation under the umbrella of the Abbeyfield Society providing cost effective care .
We provide a warm, friendly and homely atmosphere
Residents and future residents will be offered:
- The confidence that they will enjoy fair treatment at all times in accordance with the Charity’s Equal Opportunity Policy.
- The chance to live in dignity, valued and respected as individuals, enjoying all rights associated with citizenship.
- Privacy and confidentiality in respect of their private affairs.
- Security and safety within their home as part of a caring community, able to enjoy the right to be alone and undisturbed.
- The opportunity to live a full life and seek fulfilment as individuals, making choices about the way they live their lives.
- Practical, flexible and personalised care and assistance they helps them to maintain as much independence as they are able to enjoy, taking their own decisions and appropriate risks.
- Involvement in planning, developing and delivering activities that target social isolation and loneliness.
- The opportunity to be engaged, have their views sought, listened to and responded to.
- Access to the G.P. when requested.
- Access to the District Nurse when necessary.
- Access to a complaints procedure.