Why TrusteeWorks?

What are the benefits of using our executive search service to help you find the ideal trustee for your board?

We save you time 

Effective trustee recruitment is time consuming. We save you resources and time by doing the hard work for you.

We find great candidates 

To attract the right trustees you need access to a large pool of relevant people. We combine Reach’s large community of professionals and our extensive networks with a targeted search process which identifies and approaches as many suitable candidates as possible.    

We are affordable

We have designed our service to give you the optimal value for money. We focus on the elements where we can help the most, attracting great candidates and saving you time, so that we can offer our services at a very reasonable rate. 

We are experts

We specialise in trustee recruitment. We have deep and broad experience. We have worked with over 200 not-for-profit organisations of all sizes and types since the launch of our service in 2010. We also run a board placement service which supports company employees into trusteeship, and work with funders to help their grantees strengthen their boards.

We really care about trusteeship

We are proud to say that Reach is now the single biggest source of trustees to the sector. In 2017 charities recruited over 450 trustees through our self-service platform. As a charity with a mission to support other charities, we promote good governance through our services, awareness campaigns and the annual Charity Governance Awards.

Get in touch

Please email your enquiry to us at trusteeworks@reachvolunteering.org.uk. We are happy to answer any queries by email and can also arrange a convenient time for a telephone conversation about your recruitment needs.


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