

At a glance


  • Copywriting / Journalism
  • Social media marketing
  • Photography
  • Fundraising research / Bid writing


Based in Harrogate, North Yorkshire
I would prefer to volunteer mainly at home, or will consider remote opportunities from across the UK.


Either in or out of office hours


  • Any

Type of role

Short term project, Ongoing role

Work history

About me

A 20 year career in nursing, followed by a self-made business in coaching and content creation means I can offer extensive transferable skills.

As a volunteer, I am particularly interested in using my writing and photography skills as well as research experience to create compelling content for either marketing, educational or bid-writing purposes.

My communication skills are excellent, I'm empathetic and I have an intuitive understanding of what drives people. I work equally happily as either a team member or more autonomously. I am self-motivated and driven and have excellent attention to detail.

Over the past 2-3 years, I have been self-employed as a content creator and coach, predominantly in the specialist field of eating disorders. I have written two books on this topic and I have two high ranking blog websites and a podcast. As a result, I can offer skills and experience in research, using the information gained to create content that is relevant, comprehensible, compelling and entertaining. 

I am self-motivated and creative and I look forward to talking to you about how we might work together!

What am I looking for

I am predominantly seeking writing and photography opportunities in content creation or fundraising.