At this point (I am not working) my availability is total, this may change
I have about 9 years experience in Database Development and Software Engineering, I have experience of multiple programming languages and more recently systems analysis and EUD engineering as well as qualifications in Networking and Information Security and Forensics. I have been employed in IT for about 15 years in total as detailed on my CV. My interests include Art and Film and Music. I am currently not working and so have time to spare and a need to develop new skills and practice those that are rusty. My availability may change but can be ongoing over weekends should I find work elsewhere. I would like to work locally but can work remotely if needed. I have undertaken unpaid work with the Open University as a Student Consultant regarding OU Policies and Practices and their enhancement/redevelopment. My studies and personal development are ongoing also.
I would be particularly interested in environmental charity work, but in reality I am pretty pragmatic and do not have many preferences and will likely follow the need. I would like to chase IT work if possible because that is where the benefit would be best for all parties. Regarding physical work in shops or environmental clearing up/ similar - I could also do this type of work if there is a need for it