User researcher (short term project)

Part of the Volunteer Projects Library

What is it?

User research helps organisations learn about their users so that they can create and iterate services, including digital products such as a website, to meet those needs.

Without researching your users, you will not know what problems you’re trying to solve or if the service you create will work well for users.

What will this person do?

The user researcher will help your organisation develop a better understanding of your users and their needs. They will interview users (or use other qualitative research methods) and evaluate their replies in order to draw up documentation such as personas, user needs, challenges users face with your service, and insights to help you plan future development.

Who needs this?

Anyone developing a digital product or service who wants to know more about their users, in order to build a better understanding of their user needs. 

Who is involved?

The user researcher should be supported by a senior member of the digital, marketing or service delivery teams, or the CEO. The volunteer will need help getting to know your organisation, understanding your goals, and recruiting and scheduling interviews with your service users.

How long will it take?

Depending on the project, scope and number of users roughly 20 to 30 hours, over 3-6 weeks. 

Where can I find out more? 

Catalyst’s User research: what it is and why it's so important
CAST’s Know How Non Profit Guide to Doing User Research

Heading image: 
Illustration of digital team discussing a project

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