Other ways to take climate action

Skills-based volunteering not for you? Here are a few of the other ways you can help.

Felt cut-outs of the earth with a speech bubble, a heart and a tree.

Find other climate volunteer opportunities 


Things you can do at work

Use your expertise to push for a change - every job is a climate job!

  • Project Drawdown has published guides that highlight specific, high-impact climate actions employees in common professions can take at work
  • Work on Climate is an active Slack community with over 10,000 members, all working on connecting everyday jobs into the climate challenge. They provide networking, access to experts, and have lots of resources for thinking through the unique opportunities that come with your job title.
  • Work for Climate aims to drive systemic change by supporting employees with courses, tools and community for employees seeking to amplify climate impact at work.


Work for a charity? 


Other ways to get involved 


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