We are a new non-registered charity covering Calderdale, West Yorkshire. We are a peer support group set up for people with young onset dementia (those diagnosed under 65) and their carers. We are the only group within Calderdale directed to the needs of those in this younger age range. We offer social interaction and aim to raise awareness that dementia does not just affect the elderly. We hope to act as one voice to alert local organisations that more age-appropriate provision is needed, as currently anyone diagnosed as having young onset is expected to fit in with older people's services.
Our next step will be to set up a bank account, and so enable us to begin applying for grants. At the moment we are financed purely by voluntary contributions. We have a downloaded constitution, to be completed when we have trustees onboard, and a flyer providing the current details of the group. These can be emailed to any interested party.
Although we are independant, we are being promoted by The Alzheimer's Society and the Staying Well Project for Calderdale. We also have a closed group page on Facebook.
We exist to offer social interaction across a range of age-appropriate user-led activities, conversation and emotional support, as well as information and guidance on dementia, and signposting to local services in an informal setting.