A national grant-making trust, using invested funds to generate income. We support small registered charities throughout England and Wales by making small grants, for running costs and salaries that help them sustain their services.
We make small grants to registered charities with a total annual expenditure of less than £40,000 who are undertaking work with our priority groups:
We give priority to charities tackling work that is unattractive to the general public or unpopular with other funders, particularly when it helps to improve the lives of marginalised, disadvantaged or isolated people.
We also give preference to charities that can demonstrate the effective involvement of volunteers.
Grants are usually for up to £3,000 a year. The majority of our grants are for more than one year. Examples of recent grants can be found on our website.
We are seeking to appoint up to 2 new Trustees with investment/finance experience to join the Board to help shape the strategic direction...