the Wrexham Independent Gallery [tWIG]

the Wrexham Independent Gallery [tWIG]

At a glance


  • Arts
  • Education
  • Learning disabilities / difficulties
  • Local / community
  • Men
  • Mental health
  • Museums / heritage
  • Older people / later life
  • Refugees / migrants
  • Training / employment support
  • Women
  • Young people

Other details

Geographical remit: 





To advance the education of the public in the Arts by:


  1. Providing free and subsidised workshops and tuition in a wide variety of Arts and Crafts for the benefit of the public*.
  2. The provision of extended and day courses in such Arts and Craft.


To provide funding for this we will:

  1. Establish and maintain an art gallery in Wrexham, for the benefit of the public*.
  2. Promote art for the benefit of the public by the establishment and maintenance of an art gallery.


Further advance public education in the Arts by:

  1. The provision and maintenance of an Art Gallery for the exhibition to the public of modern and historic Arts and Crafts including, but not exclusively, the Arts of Painting, Sculpture, Printing, Media and Computer Technology.


In order to meet these objectives we hold regular monthly Open Art exhibitions and also let out space to individual artists, groups and organisations. Our current exhibition is the work of a local Church group. Previously we have exhibited the work of an emerging Ceramic sculptor, a Community Health group and several local artists in addition to the monthly exhibitions We have also started an art group which meets weekly at the gallery workshop.

Any and all money generated by this is spent on the provision of free and subsidised arts and crafts workshops for individuals and groups within the community. 

As an example, last Summer, with funding from Wrexham County Borough County and support from Oriel Wrexham, we provided a series of Workshops called 'tWIG on Toast.'  By working together with a local cafe and using the Council Grant plus our gallery income, we were able to provide a free meal followed by a visit to the gallery and an afternoon workshop with an established professional tutor.  We will be applying for funding for similar projects next year. 

In addition to this we are also working with a local school to provide a competition resulting in an exhibition of children's work at the gallery, plus a series of children's workshops in the gallery.

Our galleries are staffed entirely by volunteers who range in age from 17- 87 and come from a wide variety of social and ethnic backgrounds.

It is very difficult for local emerging and amateur artists to exhibit their work, and consequently, for the public to see and enjoy it. In addition to filling that need we also promote the arts and try to integrate the arts and appreciation of them into the wider community.

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