Worth Unlimited is a national Christian charity/social enterprise, embedded in local communities, which inspires and equips people to live as change-makers in pursuit of a world characterised by hope, harmony, community, well-being, wholeness and justice. Since 1997, we have worked alongside young people in multiple locations, primarily areas of high deprivation, establishing good networks and partnerships and developing a substantial track-record for delivering real impact in the lives of young people and communities.
At the heart of Worth Unlimited is a yearning for a world that's as it should be - a world in which all people thrive, the environment flourishes, diversity is celebrated and deprivation doesn't exist. We know that this dream is shared by people all over the world and we believe that it can be achieved if we work together for the change we seek.
Everyone has the potential to be a change-maker, but for many young people, precarious circumstances and significant obstacles result in that potential being squandered. Our quest is to keep that from happening by:
Our branches work primarily with young people in areas of high deprivation, where it is difficult for low income families to afford access to positive and safe activities for their children. The 2019 English Indices of Multiple Deprivation rated the communities we are working with as within:
We are committed to fostering youth work and community development that is locally rooted, so provision in each of our 9 branches is tailored to their contexts. The connecting factor amongst our branches is not the specific programmes they run, but rather their values, approach and the vision that we share for young people’s health and well-being.
Member Branches
Across the country, there are people who are passionate about their communities and want to make a difference to the lives of people in their neighbourhoods. Many have ideas for projects to help others live more fully, but they often don’t know where to start, don’t want to take on complex management responsibilities and don’t want to deal with the governance and compliance issues of being a charity. All of this can get in the way of great ideas becoming reality and serving the people who would have benefitted. These local groups join us as branches, within our legal structure, and we enable them to deliver innovative projects. We currently have 7 Member Branches:
Partner Branches
Our Partner Branches are those that are legally separate entities from Worth Unlimited, usually registered charities in their own right. Partner Branches tend to join us because they want to belong to a wider family of projects and benefit from infrastructure and learning support, while retaining their own identities. We currently have 2 Partner Branches:
Kilburn (OK Club) - The OK Club has been in existence for nearly 60 years and continues to work with children and young people from across their community. In the past year, 358 children and young people attended sessions there, adding up to 4,061 attendances over 345 different sessions. Activities included children’s clubs, youth clubs, sports activities, cooking and life skills, drama projects and more.