Women and Digital Inclusion CIC (WODIN)

Women and Digital Inclusion CIC (WODIN)

At a glance


  • Black, asian and minority ethnic groups
  • Local / community
  • Refugees / migrants
  • Women

Other details

Organisation type: 
Not for profit
Geographical remit: 
National - England


Women and Digital Inclusion - WODIN promotes the welfare of Black Immigrant women in Liverpool, Merseyside by providing hands-on digital inclusion skills and need-based services that are relevant, convenient, and/or affordable. We engage them in activities, and provide opportunities/events to help them become self-sustaining, and be part of the conversation where decisions about them are made. The work we do is not limited to ending digital poverty, we also carry out welfare checks, run a food hamper program and also signpost our beneficiaries in various areas like immigration-related matters. 


We set up and run tailored programs focused on various interests, as indicated by our beneficiaries, including but not limited to:

  • Running digital awareness courses as indicated by our beneficiaries.
  • Offering a digital helpline where the women can connect and not feel isolated.
  • Training volunteers for befriending
  • Linking with other agencies such as Health, Social Services, and Education to provide tailored training and information seminars to black migrant women and families
  • Facilitating open dialogue workshops between practitioners and users of public services
  • Cross-cultural enterprise training
  • Open Dialogue Workshops
  • Social Media Anxiety workshops
  • Women support programs
  • Supporting BME Women lead small organisations to digitize their services.

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