The organisation's charitable objectives are to promote learning and raise standards for the public benefit by:
- developing, promoting and providing appropriate systems of assessment and examinations to serve the needs of educational institutions, and recognise individual achievement in England and Wales
- supporting and enhancing the development of the Welsh language and culture of Wales
- producing high quality educational resources and professional development activities to meet the needs of teachers and to support learners of all ages and abilities in England and Wales
- supporting youth arts in Wales
- managing the resources of WJEC CBAC Ltd efficiently and effectively.
WJEC also has an agreed set of corporate objectives. These state that the organisation will:
- Develop and promote its product portfolio to meet the changing needs of customers in the context of divergence in qualifications in Wales and England.
- Work with customers to provide best-in-class support to meet their needs.
- Continuously improve the efficiency and effectiveness of WJEC processes and operations, with a focus on quality assurance and continuous improvement.
- Generate and maintain an appropriate level of financial surplus in the context of investment requirements.
- Actively pursue and prioritise the use of information technology where appropriate to support the business objectives and successfully implement major technology improvements/investments.
- Meet all regulatory requirements.
- Implement an improved organisation structure to address capacity and succession planning considerations.
- In Wales: to develop and deliver a range of bilingual qualifications and educational services to meet the Welsh Government’s aspirations for 14-19 education in Wales and the regulatory requirements of Qualifications Wales. Target of 100% market share of general qualifications and become the provider of choice for a range of reformed Vocational qualifications
- In England: to develop and provide a significant range of high quality general qualifications and related services and to become a provider of some vocational qualifications aligned with
government policy and the regulatory requirements of Ofqual. Target is to initially maintain and then grow our market share of the general qualifications market (approx. 6% for qualifications prior to reform, with large variability across subjects).
- Other jurisdictions (Northern Ireland, Channel Islands, Isle of Man, British territories): to increase our provision of qualifications in these jurisdictions.