Founded in 1903, The Wimbledon Society is committed to protecting all those local amenities which contribute to our quality of life. Community facilities and the built environment of open spaces, parks and buildings form a fundamental part of our lives. The Society has played a key role in the enhancement and protection of these vital facilities since its inception.
Civic Societies provide an army of volunteers from their ranks of members, who bring time, skills and commitment in seeking the preservation of the best of our heritage for now and for the future. Societies such as ours form a truly independent body of opinion acting entirely for the community benefit and, importantly for today, are free of political or commercial influence.
The Society runs its own Museum. Throughout its history, Wimbledon has had a number of influential residents who were determined to understand and conserve its rich heritage. At the turn of the nineteenth century the most notable of these was Richardson Evans. His vast collection of items relating to Wimbledon eventually overran his house so in 1916 a formal museum was established on the top floor of the Village Hall. This remains the heart of the museum today. These are two vibrant elements of local life The Wimbledon Society and The Museum of Wimbledon.
The Society takes a keen interest in planning matters. The Planning Committee is made up of volunteer members of the Society and meets monthly to discuss issues relating to planning in Wimbledon, West Wimbledon, Wimbledon Park and Raynes Park. The Committee also undertakes to review new planning applications and to make comments to the Council’s planners when the Society feels that an application has not adhered to the Council’s own planning policies, and/or could damage the appearance of the built environment when viewed from the public realm. Members of the public are encouraged to join the Society in order to give us a louder voice in planning matters and to help us achieve our planning objectives.
The Society has an active programme of activities. This seeks to preserve and enhance Wimbledon‘s amenities and to widen awareness of the attractive area in which we live. The annual programme, rich in variety, includes lectures and excursions, providing many opportunities for learning about the town and meeting fellow residents. In March each year, members receive a Diary of the Activities on their annual membership card, kept updated through the quarterly Newsletter. Details can also be seen on the notice board in the Village.