Willesden Green Town Team

Willesden Green Town Team

At a glance


  • Arts
  • Environment
  • Gardens and parks

Other details

Geographical remit: 


We encourage and facilitate projects which involve the community to achieve a number of objectives.

  • Enhancement of the High Road and Walm Lane and the surrounding areas of Willesden Green through environmental improvements and encouraging a variety of activities suited to the social, cultural and leisure needs and general wellbeing of residents, businesses, workers and visitors in the Willesden Green (‘the area of benefit’
  • To encourage better business practice and presentation to stimulate the local economy and provide local employment opportunities 
  • To promote the area of benefit as a place to live, work, do business and enjoy
  • To promote events and activities to encourage local participation and raise the profile of the charity and its objects.
  • To promote the constitution of a Neighbourhood Planning Forum whose boundaries will include some or all of the area of benefit
  • To publicise the activities of the charity


  • We raise money to fund public art projects.  The Willesden Green Catwalk Mosaic is a current and ongoing public art project which involves school children and members of the community.
  • We are currently working with a local community centre to develop and engage the membership as well as the local community to participate in its development and growth.  
  • We are planning to create a Neighbourhood Forum for the area.
  • We put on events for the community, such as the Brent Refugee Action Concert which is planned for 13/12 in collaboration with a local community activist.
  • We create greening projects in collaboration with our stakeholders for the public.

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