Wild Oxfordshire

Wild Oxfordshire

At a glance


  • Animals / wildlife
  • Environment
  • Gardens and parks

Other details

Geographical remit: 


Wild Oxfordshire is a local charity which provides a co-ordinated and strategic approach to conservation in Oxfordshire. Through providing support and encouraging environmental organisations and volunteers to work together, Wild Oxfordshire will be the catalyst for solutions that benefit wildlife within our rich and vibrant county.

We work in partnership with over 60 organisations. Current projects include:

  • Saving our bees and other pollinators under threat
  • Delivering natural solutions for  effective flood management
  • Giving nature a voice in County strategy and planning


Works Strategically
State of Nature in Oxfordshire 2017 report, Oxfordshire’s Biodiversity Action Group, the Conservation Target Area approach.

Pilots new approaches
The  innovative Natural Flood Management Project  is trialling ground breaking approch to flooding.

Supports volunteers
Community Ecologist is unique in offering free advice and support to the many Community Groups that help conserve local wildlife.

No current opportunities

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