West Smethwick Enterprise

West Smethwick Enterprise

At a glance


  • Children / families

Other details

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West Smethwick Enterprise is a small local charity within the Birmingham and Sandwell area offering pre-school education and a wide variety of family support services in areas of deprivation. We recognise that to support families a holistic approach is key and allows us to develop greater relationships and as a result support children to develop to their fullest potential. This takes place through education and provides opportunities for children and their families to thrive.  

Our key objective as an organisation is early intervention. We recognise through our work and looking at research that early intervention and preventative work is more effective than trying to make changes later. Our vision and approach to this is to provide services to the most in need children and their families to achieve better outcomes and life chances for all. In doing this we bring communities together, building new communities in the process. Our developed and trusted reputation within the community has meant that our organisation and the places in which we operate matter to people. Our families recognise the support we provide and the welcoming environment in which this takes place, and value our place within the community.


West Smethwick Enterprise works with children and families within Sandwell and Birmingham.  We work with families in some of the most deprived parts of the country and who are being affected further by the current cost-of-living crisis.

We currently have four pre-schools in Smethwick and one within Ladywood Family Centre. Our pre-schools provide education and learning opportunities for children aged 2-5 years old (up to 8 in the school holidays). We work with children and parents to provide better opportunities and to support in becoming school ready.

We also have a team of Children’s Development Workers, a Family Support service, a fully accredited Child Contact Centre, stay and play sessions as well as other family learning sessions taking place across both our Ladywood and Smethwick sites.

Our vision is for children and families in our communities to lead more confident, capable and caring lives. We provide outstanding learning and wider development opportunities that support achievement and success for children and families, colleagues, students and the communities we serve. A child's early years are the most important time in their development and quality education and experiences from the beginning will help to shape a child's future.

Our settings and services promote a community approach of learning with and from each other, acknowledging similarities, individualism and celebrating all. Embracing the cultural capital of our families we aim to enable each child to develop an awareness of themselves and the world, through exploration and promoting questioning. This enables our children to have the best opportunity to achieve success and contribute positively to civic society and their respective communities fostering understanding and social responsibility.

As a community organisation, we believe that all parents should have an opportunity to participate in their child’s education. Home and pre-school become one cohesive world when children, parents, and key persons work collaboratively at creating a community of learners. To accommodate the varying needs of our families we follow the lead of parents and take their wishes on board when working together, delivering the best service possible, making each learning experience unique to the child and their families.

Current opportunities

West Midlands, B66 3NT

West Smethwick Enterprise is a small local charity which is able to offer pre-school education and a wide variety of family support services in...