Watford Women's Centre

Watford Women's Centre

At a glance


  • Community safety / victim support / domestic violence
  • Counselling / advice
  • Health and well being / research and care
  • Women

Other details

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Watford Women's Centre is here to support women who have been affected by domestic abuse.

Our core values

  • Genuinely for all women - A Centre for any woman offering information, education, leisure activities & signposting
  • Generous of spirit and resource - Valuing each woman by sharing of our time and resources
  • Encouraging of involvement and empowerment - A place that values any woman's contribution and does all it can to support personal development
  • Respectful of difference and non-judgemental - Any woman is accepted, we are a place that actively values diversity and sees diversity as a source of enrichment
  • Responsive to changing needs - Our programmes reflect what our current clients have told us they want and we see our role as trying to accommodate any woman's changing needs
  • Confidential - We respect any woman's right to privacy and maintain total confidentiality unless there are safeguarding issues
  • Low cost - We aim to keep costs to a minimum and provide an affordable service
  • A safe space - A safe and mutually respectful place to work, learn and grow
  • Refer where necessary – Occasionally a client many need support or expertise outside of our experience or skill set, when this happens we will refer people to the other charities or organisations who we believe are in a position to best help them.


How we help


We aim to provide a friendly, welcoming space to encourage any woman to access our services. To enable people to make informed choices and take control over their lives we also provide support and accurate up-to-date information and a variety of low cost accredited courses and workshops.


Basic Maths and English courses help people gain the skills they need to enter the workplace or improve their everyday abilities and functioning.

Basic IT courses are aimed at those who have never used a computer before or who have very limited IT skills.

Many of our courses are run with the help of funding from Step2Skills.


A variety of activity groups and workshops offer a broad range of subjects.

We also have a course directed at helping students improve their self-esteem and confidence and another on Domestic Abuse Awareness.

Our Careers Advice service offers support for men and women preparing for work. We can help you take your first steps back employment or to learn a new skill.

Watford Women's Centre supports women with domestic abuse issues using both one to one and group support sessions. We refer men onto specialist organisations who are trained to meet their needs. 


And finally, we offer low cost one-to-one counselling, for both short and long-term clients. 

We hope that you will find the information you are looking for in our website; however, if you would like to pop in or ring, we will be happy to talk to you and answer any questions you may have.

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