Wainsgate Chapel

Wainsgate Chapel

At a glance


  • Education

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Organisation type: 
Geographical remit: 
National - England


Wainsgate Chapel is a Grade 2 listed Baptist Chapel no longer used for worship. We work to sustain this significant historical building, to celebrate it's history, and its place as an important example of a centre of a working community; and to develop creative and innovative educational opportunities for people to learn about the heritage of the building; it’s place historically in the local area and in the lives of the people who live and have lived and died here. We aim to bring history alive for visitors as a means of understanding more about where we are now and how we got here, and to celebrate the lives and contributions made by working people to the fabric of the area and the country as a whole. Through our activities, we aim to provide a model of sustainable regeneration for buildings such as these across the country - preserving heritage whilst bringing new life and building thriving communities. 


Garden for Lost Workers

We are working to create a Garden for Lost Workers at Wainsgate - a national memorial to people who have lost their lives while at work  Designed by Jack Wallington, this garden will provide a space for commemoration as well as to highlight the importance of protecting workers in their jobs today.

We are a thriving centre of high quality arts, with a music programme of live concerts; artists studios and exhibitions and installations; an international dance programme with residencies, workshops, daily dance sessions, performances - the arts programme brings income and large numbers of people into the building as well as feeding into our education programmes bringing innovation and creativity to all of our output. 

The Wainsgate Graveyard Project is an ongoing project by local resident Chris Barnett exploring and bringing to life the histories of the people buried in the graveyard.

The Wainsgate Photographic Archive is a project about restoring, printing and framing archival photographs from the local area to exhibit and preserve for future generations, the history of this place and its people. 

Wainsgate Remembered is an aural history project recording the stories of people who live in the local area through interviews which are fed into multi media exhibitions and installations. These interviews provide crucial insight into the lives of the ordinary extraordinary lives of people whose stories are rarely heard. 

Heritage Open Days are national events which we take part in, and the whole building and garden come to life with exhibitions, archival film footage, graveyard tours and other events, giving the public an oppportunity to explore the rich histories of the building and local area.

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