Volunteer Link-Up (West Oxfordshire)

Volunteer Link-Up (West Oxfordshire)

At a glance


  • Older people / later life

Other details

Geographical remit: 


Volunteer Link-Up (“VLU”) is a well established, small (turnover c£90,000 pa) charity operating in West Oxfordshire, providing the following services to more than 1,000 clients:


  • Transport for those who are unable to use public transport, or for those living in rural areas where it is not available, to hospitals, day centres, health centres, clinics and other activities.
  • Visiting and support for elderly people, people with special needs, those suffering with depression, agoraphobia, heart disease, strokes, arthritis, visual impairment or other difficulties. Taking elderly or disabled people shopping or on outings in their wheelchairs.
  • Practical help with garden tidying, lawn mowing, basic DIY for elderly and disabled people on low incomes. Conservation work.
  • Befriending work with families, single parents, teenagers with behavioural and emotional problems and children and adults with learning disabilities.
  • Regular assistance at Family Centres, day centres and clubs for elderly people and those with special needs, mental health problems or physical disabilities, classes for adult basic education and reading help in schools, riding for disabled people, crèches and sports and leisure activities for those with special needs.
  • Support for Good Neighbour Schemes in Oxfordshire - these schemes are local voluntary groups which offer a service in their community for those in need of help and support. They offer befriending and practical help to older people - whether it's transport, collecting repeat prescription, walking the dog, tidying up the garden, taking someone to hospital, doing a bit of shopping or changing a light bulb. The service aims to help people to stay independent, safe and well.#
  • Committee work and support for local charities by:  recruiting volunteers for organisations, providing advice and information on issues relating to volunteering, offering guidance, training and support about recruiting and supporting volunteers, developing and adopting a volunteer policy to promote good practice in volunteering, training for volunteers and developing new volunteering schemes


VLU has some 200 volunteers who fulfil the expectations of our clients as set out in 'Objectives'.

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