Uttlesford Citizens Advice provides non-judgemental advice helping around 3,000 people each year deal with a diverse range of problems, including debt and money advice, benefit support, housing issues, community health worries, relationship law, and emergency support. We are free, confidential, independent, and impartial. Last year we dealt with over 13,000 visits and calls; an annual survey showed that 100% of clients would recommend our service to others or use it again themselves.
Operating across Uttlesford, we offer 75 face to face generalist and money advice appointments a week across offices and outreach locations in Saffron Walden, Great Dunmow, Stansted and Thaxted. Although we are available to everyone in our community, we do target our support to the most vulnerable. Around 40% of our clients state that they have a long term illness or disability; with around 25% of these describing themselves as having a mental health illness.
The charity has 9 part time members of staff (working 5.2 full time equivalent roles) and 77 volunteers working around 430 hours a week, with an annual economic value of £340,000. The charity’s overall direction and operation in managed by a Board of Trustees currently comprising of 8 volunteers.