Ugly Duck Spaces

Ugly Duck Spaces

At a glance


  • Arts

Other details

Geographical remit: 



For the public benefit

  1. To revitalise* empty and underused spaces for the public benefit by:

  • Enabling the use of empty or underused spaces for filming, photography, events and projects.

  • In particular but not exclusively creating opportunities for emerging artists by providing them with affordable opportunities to access space.

  • animating public spaces with creative and cultural events and projects.

     2.  To advance education by the provision of educational and recreational activities in:

  • arts

  • the environment

  • science and technology

  • human rights

  • heritage

*For the purpose of this clause, revitalise means to generate events and activities in a space which was previously underused or empty.


Emerging artists, audiences, children & young people. 


We manage empty and underused buildings, opening them up to a wide range of users including filming, photography, charity and commercial events, arts events and arts education projects. 

We animate public spaces by producing creative projects which educate the public. 

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