

At a glance


  • Financial inclusion
  • Women

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Geographical remit: 


Gender equality through enterprise & learning.  We are a women run, women led, not- for- profit, facilitating and marketing group, with an innovative approach to entrepreneurship.  Our  mission “empowering women, to unveil their talents and achieve their aspirations, through supportive business activities"

We are different from traditional facilitating and networking groups, we offer optimum accessibility and flexibility; no membership fee. We run women led exhibitions, workshops, business advice and lead generation services, to facilitate selling, promoting, marketing and trade, in a relaxed, non - intimidating, atmosphere.  

Complimentary guests are invited, to provide maximum exposure, for your business or start- up enterprise. 


Events. We run regular events in the support of women owned micro & social enterprises.  These are opportunities to access business growth & sustainability services, they may otherwise be unable to afford.

Newsletter. Publish newsletter with news of external events & business tips.

Workshops.  Affordable workshops designed to meet specific needs of micro business owners by bridging the gap between main stream providers.  WE do this by transferring practical skills & knowledge to support their business & decision making.

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