Transition Town Totnes

Transition Town Totnes

At a glance


  • Environment
  • Local / community

Other details

Geographical remit: 


Our direct beneficiaries are the community of Totnes and District, meeting their needs without compromising the ability of future generations of Totnes and environs to meet their own needs. Through our work we also seek to provide models of resilience which can be replicated nationally and internationally.

To raise awareness of the need to build resilience against the combined threats of peak oil, climate change and economic instability. To provide an evolving overarching narrative of a positive future, through our activities inc films, talks and workshops. To enable the community to manage and lead change. To reduce carbon through behaviour change To remodel localisation to build a low carbon economy. To work in partnership with others to deliver our aims.


  • Support for households in fuel poverty 
  • Enabling renewable heat projects 
  • A business incubator 
  • Food link, connecting local producers with retail outlets
  • A domestic food hub
  • Edible planting public spaces 
  • Awareness raising films, talks and workshops - some through creative arts
  • Active online and social media
  • A programme of skill shares
  • Enabling a network of local health and care providers

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