The Playstation is a charity (Toybox number SCO2 2669) that supports children who are visiting Barlinnie Prison in Glasgow - and offers advocacy on behalf of those children to ensure that their needs are met.
Thousands of children visit family members in Barlinnie every year – some come only once, others we get to know over many months. Growing up when someone in your family is in prison presents huge challenges, and visiting them can be a stressful and even frightening time. The calm, Playful atmosphere in The Playstation play area can help to make visiting as happy and family-friendly as it can be.
The Playstation provides a welcoming space in the prison visits room where children can play and relax, supported by a team of trained play volunteers and three members of staff, who all work to ensure that every child’s experience is a positive one. The play area also offers an opportunity for the children to meet others in a similar situation - Something that might not be possible otherwise.
The Playstation is funded and supported by Children in Need, The Lottery, the Foyles Foundation, The Robertson Trust, the Trades House of Glasgow Commonwealth Fund and other donors. Their sponsorship is invaluable - and appreciated by all involved.