Tower hamlets Friends and Neighbours

Tower hamlets Friends and Neighbours

At a glance


  • Health and well being / research and care
  • Mental health
  • Older people / later life
  • Social care

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Geographical remit: 


Tower Hamlets Friends and Neighbours (THFN) has been running services for older people in Tower Hamlets for since 1947. Our aims are: • to enhance the quality of life of older people and decrease social isolation; • to promote well-being and increase independence through emotional support and through access to services, benefits, etc; • to provide relevant and stimulating activities and increase social rehabilitation. THFN provides a lifeline for vulnerable, isolated, older people, the majority of whom are housebound, and have at least one chronic, medical or mental health issue.


We provide a free befriending, advocacy and support service designed to meet the individual needs of our clients, to enable them to overcome the barriers of loneliness, disadvantage, medical, cultural or issues around their own 'confidence'. We provide a lifeline for vulnerable, isolated, older people, the majority of whom are housebound, and have at least one chronic, medical and mental health issue.

Our befrienders and volunteers provide support to clients in their own homes. We provide our service to over 250, socially isolated or housebound older people each year, giving regular one to one and telephone support including home and hospital visits. We provide regular phone support for clients in crisis, assistance with making appointments, help with accessing services and escorting clients to these as well. We organise outings for those who can leave their homes with help. We provide advocacy and signposting to a whole range of services and are the first point of call for a wide range of health professionals in Tower Hamlets from whom we receive the vast majority of our referrals.

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