TOKKO runs a range of projects which provide support to vulnerable and disadvantaged young people across the local area enabling them to access support, coping strategies, a safe space and have someone to turn to who will listen to them and help identify manageable steps to take towards a positive outcome. TOKKO identifies where there are gaps in youth provision and looks to fill those with a particular focus on supporting minority and ethnic groups. TOKKO develops partnerships across the local area to support the local community and make a difference within the local community.
Current projects include:
- Disability project - supporting vulnerable young people with disabilities aged 13-24
- TOKKO Respect Project (Formerly Hate Crime Ambassadors (aged 12 -16) - Addressing discrimination and prejudice and raising awareness of hate crime through training peer mentors in schools.
- Freedom Project - Youth specific supporting survivors of domestic abuse.
- Young Mothers project - supporting young mums up to the age of 25 - lead on all complex cases involving domestic abuse. CSE, at risk of losing their child, gang affiliation, Child Protection, Neglect, Homelessness, Self-harm, mental health.
- Young fathers project - supporting young fathers up to 25 - lead on areas as above.
- TOKKO Totz - supporting young parents to develop child parental bond whilst accessing multi-agency support.
- Interact - offering social action youth led activities and personal development
- Counseling - offering tier 2 counseling support for young people aged between 10-21to address the need for mental health support for young people (currently offering 1400 hours in 17/18.)
- Fairbridge (Prince's Trust partnership) supporting those furthest away from the labor market