Timewise Foundation C.I.C

Timewise Foundation C.I.C

At a glance


  • Black, asian and minority ethnic groups
  • Campaigning
  • Children / families
  • Financial inclusion
  • Men
  • Training / employment support
  • Women
  • Young people

Other details

Organisation type: 
Social enterprise
Geographical remit: 
National - Britain


We’re a social enterprise with commercial expertise, working with employers, policymakers and influencers to create stronger, more inclusive workplaces, powered by flexible working.  

Flexible working offers a way into the workplace for people who can't work full-time. That, in turn, has a positive impact on social inequality. Flexible working helps make society more equal, by delivering opportunities for all. We collaborate with policymakers, industry bodies and employers, and share what we learn, to make the social impact of our work all the more powerful.


Examples of bespoke projects we’ve delivered for clients include:

  • Creating and presenting the business case for action, bringing our challenge and insight to ignite the leadership team to action.
  • An audit of flexible working practices across multiple divisions and regions, including 360 degree research within teams, to identify barriers and showcase areas of good practice.
  • A deep dive into a specific operational team where it was proving particularly difficult to accommodate flexibility, to identify compatible types of flexible working patterns.
  • Looking specifically at part-time job design, with the aim of reducing the gender pay gap by increasing opportunities to work reduced hours.


Timewise and the 4 Day Week Campaign are partnering to launch a second four-day week pilot in the UK this autumn, with research support from University of Cambridge, Boston College and the Autonomy Institute.

We provide a two step programme to support and upskill managers to help them understand where their organisations are now with hybrid practices and also helping managers to develop the skills to manage a hybrid workforce.

Our core workshops include:

Flexible hiring – for talent acquisition and recruiters

Want to attract a diverse and talented pool of candidates?  

We know having a clear and compelling offer on flexible working is a key attraction tool – as or even more important than salary to many candidates. 

In this workshop we help hiring experts to: 

  • Make the case for hiring flexibly: to the managers they support 
  • Stay ahead of the Flex from Day One legislation: ensuring flexible working is considered right from the start of recruitment
  • Embedding flex throughout  hiring processes: from job specs to onboarding, ensuring your hiring process demonstrates your commitment to flexible working

Job design masterclass – for HR practitioners

Flexible job design is a critical skill for modern HR practitioners. The workshops enable HR practitioners to:

  • Identify the full range of ways to work flexibly: including access to Timewise job design tools and guidance 
  • Understand what can be offered in site-based or frontline roles: using our Shift-Life Balance model and examples from a range of sectors
  • Embed a stronger flexible working culture: identifying the critical success factors which will bring your new approach to life.

Leading a hybrid team – a masterclass for managers

Hybrid working is the new normal, but surprisingly, the majority of managers have not had training to ensure they are making this way of working truly effective in their teams. 

This Timewise workshop is designed to upskill managers of hybrid and remote teams, developing their skills and confidence to make a success of hybrid. 

This workshop includes:

  • The value of the office for a hybrid team: finding the right connection points for your team
  • Ensuring wellbeing and inclusion: overcoming hybrid biases and supporting wellbeing in a hybrid workplace
  • Managing performance in a hybrid world: outcome based management and tackling common issues with remote working 
  • The role of a leader in a hybrid team: the influence of leadership style and ways of working

Timewise also offer Partnerships and Accreditation

Current opportunities

London (Central), E1 1EW

Multi-award winning community interest company who are the UK's leading expert on workplace security and flexibility looking for Non-Exec...