The Charity’s objects are to promote and develop voluntary work and volunteering opportunities and other similar charitable activities for the benefit of the community and to advance the education, Christian faith and development of volunteers and others by providing training, advice, information and assistance.
Time for God exists to create an environment whereby volunteers are encouraged to explore and grow in the Christian faith through a programme of service, teaching, learning and personal reflection. It is one of the longest established ecumenical Christian volunteering organisations for young people in the UK. It works in partnership with churches and Christian organisations of all traditions across the world and with other European and International Voluntary Service Organisations.
Time for God volunteers come from the UK, Europe, Africa, Asia (mainly South Korea), South America and the USA and are normally aged between 18 and 25. They offer a year of their lives to work as full-time volunteers in diverse organisations in the UK and throughout the world, working with churches and community groups, residential care homes, hostels, schools and activity centres. They are provided with accommodation, food and pocket money. They explore their faith, develop their skills, mature as people and make life-changing decisions about their future. They invariably enrich the lives of the people and communities they serve. Time for God enables young adults to engage in youth ministry where volunteers can give a year of service surrounded by a first-class support system. It gives volunteers the opportunities to experience God in places that are different. Time for God challenges what they know and what they are used to and provides new encounters in living and loving others.
Time for God recruits and selects volunteers for the placements and provides residential training conferences, spiritual development programmes and field officer support. Training is an integral part of the programme. Time for God also offers its services, through the European Voluntary Service (EVS) Programme and for independent volunteers, to young adults who want to discover what God has planned for them. Time for God is exploring new ways of working to create further opportunities for people of all ages to explore their ministry and mission. In particular, we are currently seeking to increase the number of UK people sent overseas to experience their ‘Time for God’ year in a different culture. For more information, please visit our website.