Tankerton FC

Tankerton FC

At a glance


  • Children / families
  • Local / community
  • Sports
  • Young people

Other details

Geographical remit: 


By constitution Tankerton FC is a registered Charitable Incorporated Organisation whose charitable objects are:

(1) The promotion of community participation in healthy recreation in particular by the provision of facilities for the playing of Association Football for all age groups and with a particular focus on young people.

(2) To advance in life and help and educate young people up to the age of 18 living in the Tankerton and surrounding Whitstable area through:

(a)    the provision of recreational and leisure time activities focused on Association Football which develop their skills, capacities and capabilities, helping them mature and interact with adults, their peer group, and wider community.

(b)    promoting their health and well being, through participation in managed and structured physical activity including but not exclusively football training and involvement in football matches.

(3) To further such other charitable purpose as the CIO may decide from time to time.


  • To establish Tankerton FC as the best and most respected junior grassroots football club within East Kent, offering facilities and coaching in an atmosphere that is conducive to the development of every young person in terms of self-discipline, good behaviour and teamwork.
  • To provide a positive coaching experience for players at Tankerton FC looking at helping each player to be the best that they can be.
  • To provide all the children, young people and adults within Tankerton Football Club whatever their age, gender, race, religion, ethnicity, ability or disability the maximum opportunities to develop their football, personal, social, educational and sporting skills to the full whilst ensuring the children’s welfare and enjoyment remains a priority in all decisions we make.
  • This will be achieved by providing dedicated, screened, trained and qualified coaching staff within a caring, safe and fun environment for learning and development, enabling young players the opportunity to express themselves, whilst being challenged to maximise their potential.


The aims of Tankerton Football Club are as follows:

  • To encourage and promote the development of junior and youth football in a safe environment, within the local community and surrounding district.
  • The club will strive to provide an opportunity for players of both sexes to enjoy and participate in football at all age groups and at the highest possible level.
  • We will endeavour to facilitate the provision of the best playing amenities and equipment available to us in line with the growth of sport in the district.

We will achieve the above by:

  • Encouraging the development of football at all levels from mini soccer to youth and into senior football.
  • Achieving this through a policy of equal opportunity where the best possible facilities are made available for both sexes and all ages.
  • Encouraging sportsmanship and fair competition at the highest possible levels, where improvement of performance and enjoyment is far more important than results.
  • Supporting the development of football and sport in general throughout the area and supporting attempts to improve sporting venues and facilities.



We are a charity with a focus on children, and we provide healthy recreational activity for the community and help our 6-18 year olds through their growing years with life skills and experiences which will prepare them better for adulthood. We have even changed our charitable constitution to allow us to have 16 year olds as trustees to give them experience. And we operate a Youth Council of 11 - 18 year olds who act as a young players union as well as producing the clubs newsletter. Yes our activities are based around football, but what better vehicle to get them involved? 

We are a very active club in the local community and schools and have won many accolades for our work. We need new facilities and a new base as much of what we have is condemnable, and not actually ours to improve. We have a youth council and have put in place an exchange programme with a French Club, and yes, we are all volunteers working for the benefit of local children and young people who love their sport. We all have full time jobs outside of the charity, but what we all want most of all is to be able to give the children of the area a lasting legacy of somewhere they can continue to play and participate in a healthy, recreational outdoor activity.

We have a girls section now and an adult team, as well as having just started a Powerchair programme with the Wheelchair Football Association. We have a good reputation and want good people behind us to help run our club of over 60 volunteers and 400 players.


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