Talex is a non-profit HR consultancy. We exist to support charities improve the careers of their employees, to ensure they join, enjoy and stay.... and so improve the continuity and quality of the services/support they offer to their beneficiaries.
The UK voluntary sector employs nearly a million people (excluding volunteers) and over 60% of charity employees work in organisations of less than 50 people. Despite high levels of employee engagement charities typically lose about 20% of their staff each year. This is expensive in terms of costs of recruitment (£400m per annum to the sector) as well as the lost productivity (£2bn per annum) which affect levels of service/care to beneficiaries.
Currently we are set up to provide free advice, free/discount products, data and technology and discounted consulting work. We are currently working on a model that connects HR professionals to charity work through corporate social impact/social responsibility programmes.